15 DEC 2017

Awarded in “Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Program” for 2nd Consecutive Year

United Asia Finance (“UA”) was granted “Corporate Citizenship Logo” in the “Enterprise Category” and “Volunteer Category” in “The 8th Hong Kong Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Logo” for the 2nd consecutive year, as recognition of the dedicated and notable effort and contribution in demonstrating Corporate Social Responsibilities for the good sake of economic, social and environmental sustainable development of Hong Kong.

"Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Program” is jointly run by Hong Kong Productivity Council and the Committee with an aim to promote and enhance Corporate Citizenship. It is hoped that by offering credit logo to respective corporations, the awareness of Corporate Citizenship can be enhanced further encouraged. The judging criteria of “Enterprise Category” include the strategy of Corporate Social Responsibilities, the effectiveness and evaluation mechanism of the strategy whereas “Volunteer Category” is evaluated based on the volunteer services program content, as well as the level of support from employees and management towards company’s volunteer services team.

In the coming days, UA will continue to fulfill and integrate the concept of Corporate Citizenship Responsibilities into our operation and management strategies. Simultaneously, we are committed to proactively promote and pass on this message among employees and their families, our clients and the general public with an aim to contribute our part for the sustainable Hong Kong society in different aspects of economy, society and environment, etc.