Group photos of all awardees, honorable guests and judges.
29 JUN 2018

United Asia Finance (Shenzhen) named as the “Outstanding Microfinance Company” at the "Capital Outstanding China Enterprise Awards" for 10 Consecutive Years

The Capital Magazine has presented United Asia Finance (Shenzhen) with the “Outstanding Microfinance Company” award at the “Capital Outstanding China Enterprise Awards” for nine consecutive years. The award presentation ceremony was held on June 29, 2018 at the Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong.

The objective of this award is to recognize the contributions and efforts of enterprises in Mainland China that have achieved outstanding performance and achievement during the year. This award also aims to encourage those enterprises to continuously support and contribute to the stability and prosperity of Mainland China. The judging panel of this award consisted of professional editorial officers of “Capital Magazine” and renowned business leaders in Hong Kong. The awardees were selected based on the overall performance of the enterprise, corporate asset value, business performance, marketing strategy and development.

Mr. K. Y. Li, General Manager of United Asia Finance Limited, received the trophy from Ms. Choy So Yuk, BBS, JP., HK Deputy to the 13th National People's Congress of the PRC, at the award presentation ceremony. Mr. Li shared a short but sincere speech on stage, “Time flies, it is already the 10th year that we are honored with the award “Outstanding Microfinance Company”! On behalf of all staff from Hong Kong and Mainland China, I would like to show my heartfelt thanks to the judges and all readers for the recognition and continuous support of United Asia Finance (Shenzhen) over the years.”

“In fact, last year also marked the 10th anniversary of United Asia Finance (Shenzhen) since our first branch established in Shenzhen in 2007. We have now extended our branches to 15 cities throughout Mainland China. Recent years, we have formed partnerships and collaborations with different innovative and influential financial institutions and digital platforms including WeChat, China UnionPay Merchant Services Co., Ltd., Rong 360, Dian Rong and Sou Yi Dai, etc. By partnering with these organizations, we hope we can further optimize the online platform to provide convenient finance services to satisfy personal financial or business financial needs.

Looking ahead, United Asia Finance (Shenzhen) will keep pace with the latest development of technology and the world of internet to provide all-round financing digital service platforms for customers to enjoy even more quality and convenient loan services at all times, and to continue to lead the market to move forwards.