Ms. Katerine Kou, Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Securities Association, presented the award to Mr. Akihiro Nagahara, Managing Director and CEO of UA at the award presentation ceremony.
Group photos of all the awarded companies.
United Asia Finance (“UA”) is awarded “CAPITAL Merit of Consumer Finance Company Achievement” in the "CAPITAL Merits of Achievements” in 2021.
22 OCT 2021

Awarded "CAPITAL Merit of Consumer Finance Company Achievement" in the "CAPITAL Merits of Achievements in Banking & Finance" for the 12th Consecutive Year

For the 12th year consecutively, United Asia Finance (“UA”) is awarded “CAPITAL Merit of Consumer Finance Company Achievement” in the "CAPITAL Merits of Achievements” in 2021.

The objective of the award is to credit respective enterprises of banking and finance on their outstanding performance and continuous contribution to the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong economy. All the awardees are strictly chosen by a judging panel comprised of professional editorial office of Capital Magazine and renowned political and business leaders in Hong Kong. The assessment criteria are based on different aspects of performance of the enterprises including overall performance of corporation, service quality, customer relations, marketing strategy, reputation and goodwill. Being accredited for the 12th consecutive year, it is a strong recognition to prove and reassert the outstanding and leading position of UA in the consumer finance industry.

Upon receipt the award from Ms. Katerine Kou, Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Securities Association on stage, Mr. Akihiro Nagahara, CEO & Managing Director of UA, blissfully shared his joy with the guests, “Established in 1993, UA has served over 570,000 customers in Hong Kong so far. We are one of the most scalable and professional personal finance companies in Hong Kong. Adhering to our service motto of “Serve with Sincerity” and "Customer First", we have been keeping up with the latest development of technology and introduced different innovative pioneer loan products over the years. Simultaneously, we are devoted to building an all-round platform with utmost convenience to fulfil every financial need of customers.

Looking forwards, UA will continue to keep abreast of the latest trend of FinTech and the market, elevate our loan services by integration of advanced technology so as to offer the best loan experience to customers with breakthrough of barriers of time, space and territory.